Professional Layout CAD Software.
your next electronic
design easily, all in one tool, all in one project-file.
Single-, double- or multilayer printed circuit boards, component
database, autoplacer,
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Your board directly in 3D, live view to rotate, move, fade in and fade out, STEP
import and
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Up to 100 pages, signal classes, buses, differential pairs, modules, variants and much more. >>read more
Integrated P(SPICE) compatible mixed-mode simulator, oscilliscope,
analyses and much more.
>>read more
Component creation with 3D model - fast and easy with the integrated
package generator.
>>read more
Integrated frontpanel designer for planning congruent (top to
front panels - design, calculate and order
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Use the integrated point-to-point, contour- and hybrid-auto-router or the interface
>>read more
Test our new innovations
and features in the free trial edition or order your new version directly in the
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Attention all EAGLE switchers: EAGLE has been discontinued and we are offering you a whopping 20% discount on all commercial TARGET 3001! new versions.
EAGLE switchover |
Select your desired component from huge component databases and use it directly in TARGET, without extra conversion or import. | SnapEDA | | Ultra Librarian | | SamacSys |
no commercial use, 250 pins/pads, 2 copper layers, simulation: 30
signals, reverse engineering*, including MID*, all functions active*¹,
single user license, front panel 50 cm
no commercial use, 400 pins/pads, 2 copper layers, simulation:
30 signals, reverse engineering*, including MID*, all functions active*¹,
single user license, front panel 80 cm
no commercial use, unlimited pins/pads, 100 copper layers,
signals unlimited, reverse engineering, including MID*¹,
all functions active*¹, 2 years*² single user license,
front panel unlimited, pupils,
students, apprentices // license agreement and student
card required
commercial use, 700 pins/pads, 2 copper layers, simulation: 50
signals, reverse engineering*, all functions active*¹, including
single user license, front panel 100 cm
commercial use, 1.000 pins/pads, 2 copper layers, simulation: 60
signals, reverse engineering*, including MID*¹, all functions active*¹,
user license, front panel 120 cm
commercial use, unlimited pins/pads, 100 copper layers,
simulation: 100 signals, reverse engineering*, including MID*¹,
all functions active*¹,
single user license, front panel unlimited
commercial use, unlimited pins/pads, 100 copper layers,
simulation: unlimited signals, reverse engineering, including
all functions active*¹, single user license, front panel unlimited
Functional scope corresponds to Edition "design station", reverse engineering, all functions active, single user license, including MID: 3D design for creating Molded Interconnect Devices, free testing with the PCB-Pool-Edition
Industrial Engineer (TU), CEO, Owner
The team around Harald Friedrich has been developing PCB Layout CAD software for 30 years. Take advantage of our extensive experience and our fresh ideas for your projects. Your success is the incentive for our work. Every day. Our team is at your side every day with advice and assistance. Free of charge.
Harald Friedrich
Fuldaer Straße 20
36124 Eichenzell
For enquiries of any kind, please use our
We will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
Answers to various questions can also be found in our
Documentation or our
One Question System.
Do you need help or are you looking for an easy introduction to our software?
Then just have a look at our online manual tools:
Our one-question platform provides a lot of answers to the most common questions. If the answer to your problem is not included, feel free to submit your question there or via direct-contact.
250 Pins/Pads, 2 copper layers, area 2.0m x 2.0m and much more. All functions active, no time limit, no codes. The software is for Windows operating systems (and Linux with wine) . Just download and get started.
A browser based web application for the exchange of electronic CAD components. Extensive database of user-generated components, which is constantly growing. Upload self-created components and benefit in return from the components of others. To the App
Up- and download components full automatically, fast and without files. Use Componiverse as a cloud system to store your own components and access them from anywhere. Share parts with colleagues and friends using links or whole lists of parts. To the App
Draw your components from anywhere. Create impressive symbols and footprints without installation or registration. Connect to the Web-App Componiverse for a quick transfer and access. To the App
Harald Friedrich, Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. (TU)
Fuldaer Straße 20
36124 Eichenzell
Tel.: 06659 / 919 444
Fax: 06659 / 919 445
VAT ID code:
DE - 11 23 42 909
Registered trademarks:
Bank details:
Genossenschaftsbank Fulda, Bahnhofstrasse 1,
D-36037 Fulda, Deutschland
IBAN: DE13 5306 0180 0002 0041 35,
Monday - Thursday 8:00h - 16:30h;
Friday 8:00h - 14:30h (CET or CEST)
This homepage, the software "TARGET 3001!", all documentation as well as the component database have been constructed carefully. However, we accept no liability or warranty that the software TARGET 3001!, the information or the manual or the components are without errors or that they can be used for special purposes. All legal responsibility or liability in case of a consequential damage is impossible. We appreciate, however, any feedback from our customers on the contents of the manual and the program TARGET 3001!
Please note that we produce the software TARGET 3001! licensed (=specified) to your name, so the product is worthless for other people (c.f. the German Distance Selling Act). In consequence it is impossible to return the product. Neither you can return your purchase nor do we any exchange of your purchase.
We do not participate in the Online Dispute Resolution of the EU or in proceedings of any other consumer dispute resolution body.