The next generation of TARGET 3001! has effortlessly taken off, bringing with it many innovative features that can take your designs to the next level! Try out all the new features and innovations in the free "discover" edition or order your new V32 directly in the shop.
The Element Inspector shows the properties of the selected elements and you can edit and change them directly.
All settings in one dialog, organized by topics, well grouped and clearly arranged.
The community components are available directly in TARGET when searching, without logging in and importing via "the list".
The ODB++ format is widely used and is the modern successor to XGerber. Especially for the assembly of PCBs it is much more suitable,
because many parameters for the production are covered by ODB++.
The formats *.SchDoc and *.PcbDoc can be read directly if they have been saved in ASCII format. Schematic and PCB can even be merged
into one project.
The assembly of PCBs is enormously facilitated, because the assembly people like to process Excel spreadsheets. Excel itself is not
required as a program on the computer.
Insert QR codes into your project and have them output accordingly in XGerber as well.
In the open schematic or PCB window, you can highlight and zoom in on individual components in the respective other window.
All packages of a module are locked against accidental movement or unlocked together.
Switch off the clearance check for certain elements. This is useful, for example, for bridges in solder jumpers, which otherwise always report errors when checking.
Although a padstack has only pads on inner layers, it can nevertheless be drilled through completely. This can greatly reduce production costs,
as blind and buried vias are very expensive.
After importing Gerber files, relationships in the board are detected and appropriate optimizations are made.
If you have any questions, suggestions or similar, please feel free to send us a message via our Direct Contact, we will be happy to help you.